I feel like I just made my April recap post. May really flew by. I'm excited to share May's photos and even more excited that there are prompts for June, as well! I'm hoping that the longer, sunnier days will make it easier to get a little more creative with the future photos!
May 6th - Mother's Love
There are a lot of great mother figures in books, but I decided to go with a different kind of mom in this photo. Bernadette is a woman with an aversion to the outside world and social situations. When she goes missing, her daughter digs through personal e-mails, bills, and correspondence to try and understand where Bernadette met. Mothers are strong and protective women, but they are still humans with their own burdens to carry. I liked reading about an imperfect mom who still cared about her family in her own way.
May 13th - Sunshine
Picking a book with the word sun in the title and putting it in front of the sun isn't exactly original, but I love the way it turned out (even if I wasn't sure initially because I was squinting the whole time). If you haven't read Jandy Nelson's books, I highly recommend them (the other is called The Sky is Everywhere). She writes vivid prose that will stay in your brain like it is your own memory.
May 20th - Diversity
Diversity in books (LGBT stories, POC characters, etc.) is something we need a lot more of. I was able to find several on my shelf, but I know there could be more. Let's hope that diverse books and diverse authors continue to make their way onto our shelves and the shelves of bookstores and libraries.
May 27th - Balance
I'll admit that May wasn't my most inspired month for Bookish Scene photos, but the final May photo is my absolute favorite! There's been a really fun tag going around Bookstagram called #FlipThatBook, and you basically just photograph your photos upside down so you can flip the photo and it looks all magical and awesome and floaty. I've done it a few times on my feed, but this is my favorite. I love the addition of the super-cute card to really add to the look of defying gravity. I pulled off a pretty decent pink ombre, as well.
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|weekly Bookish Scene posts and much more!
|weekly Bookish Scene posts and much more!
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