The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
TW: Rape
This has been on my TBR for a while but because it deals with a difficult topic, I was waiting for the right moment, a moment when I knew I could handle it. I'm only a few chapters in but the writing is gorgeous and, though it has the potential to shatter my heart, I have a feeling it will be a favorite.
Recently Finished
I finished Fight or Flight, which I was reading last week. Afterward, I read An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, which was a different genre for me. If you're curious about my thoughts, you can check my review here. Yesterday morning, I read Taylor Jenkins Reid's short story Evidence of the Affair, which you can read for free with Amazon Prime (otherwise it's $2).
It was sooooo beautiful. Written completely in letters, it is about the correspondence between a woman and man whose spouses are cheating on them with each other. I loved it and can't recommend it enough. It's a great way to spend an hour.
Reading Next
This book arrived in the mail yesterday and I almost started it but decided to ride the Girl Made of Stars wave instead. I am looking forward to reading Tahereh Mafi's foray into contemporary and I've heard great things so I'm really looking to keep this on the top of my TBR list.
What's your WWW?
Great list of books, and I enjoyed your review of Hank Green's new book. Here is my WWW post: