The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
Currently Reading
I had a sudden urge to pick up After You and I'm enjoying it so far! It's had a lot of mixed reviews...some people loved it, others thought it was a pointless sequel, but I am distant enough from the first book to look at it from a fresh perspective.
And yes, I'm still listening to Becoming. But I hope to be done soon!
Recently Finished
So, I ended up DNFing The Immortalists and it was a much-needed relief to forgive myself for not enjoying it. I finished this book in less than half the time it took to barely make a dent in the other. That said, I was slightly disappointed in this book...I think I would've enjoyed it much more if it only focused on Rev.
Reading Next
My pre-ordered copy of 99 Percent Mine came in the mail yesterday and there is a 99 percent chance that it will be my next read (see what I did there...I would totally insert the smug emoji face if I could). As always, this ebbs and flows...if you told me I'd be reading After You this time last week, I would've rolled my eyes. It's all about the mood.
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