The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
Currently Reading
I was lucky enough to get approved for an ARC of The Dreamers on Netgalley and since it comes out next Tuesday, I decided to devour it before it hits the shelves. It's a short read, so I'm hoping to finish it rather quickly despite the craziness of my first week at a new job. I'm also listening to Becoming by Michelle Obama and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I had initially expected to. I can't wait to get deeper into the story!
Recently Finished
Two books down for 2019! My first read was Verity, which I did read in one day even though it wasn't in one sitting as per my initial intentions. I wrote a review but wanted to take a photo worthy of the awesomeness that is the cover before posting...if you can't wait for that, I posted on Goodreads (spoilers are hidden and ramble-y!) here. After that, I decided I needed something light and cute and Famous in a Small Town was perfect for that (out next Tuesday, 1/15!). I read Emma Mills' previous releases last year and she is without a doubt a go-to author for me (and the coverrrrrs). This was probably the most serious of the gang, but there's still so much incredible wit and humor and heart...recommend!
Reading Next
As usual, this is a fair game topic but one of my most anticipated books of the year is out next Tuesday! I actually have an eARC but I want to read the physical copy...less than a week until it's in my hands!
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