Bookish Scene Recap - April

Bookish Scene: Project 52 is still going strong over here! At the beginning of the month, there was a strong possibility that it might not continue, as one of the partners who creates the themes is no longer blogging. Luckily, she's still keeping up with her Instagram and there are prompts for May, as well! I really hope this continues through the rest of the year. I'd love to see all 52 photos when it is over!

April 1st - Humor

The books featured in this photo are all written by very funny people! I haven't finished Sick in the Head or started This is a Book, but I love all of these writers/actors/comedians. I especially love Why Not Me?, which had me laughing out loud. I could just hear Mindy Kaling reading it in my head with her unique voice. So good.

April 8th - New Beginnings

If I had my druthers, this photo would've had a brighter sky and more foliage in the background. Unfortunately, my neighborhood was still struggling to bloom at the time of the shot. I still like the idea of this one, though. Reasons to Stay Alive is a non-fiction book about the author's struggle with depression. I struggle with anxiety and depression myself and it is so important to spread the word, to show people that they are not alone, and that you can live a full life with these mental illnesses.
I have yet to read it (shocker), but I know it will be a beautiful book.

April 15th - Blue Ombre Spines (Autism Awareness Month)

Ombres are always tricky little buggers. Getting the perfect blend is hard. I'm not saying that this is the best ombre ever, but luckily I own a whole bunch of blue books and had a lot to work with (the majority of my shelves, I've noticed, are white or blue). In keeping with the theme I have running this month (without even realizing), I have only read 2 of the 7 books featured here (Something Blue and Ugly Love). 

April 22nd - Earth Day

The Shatter Me covers are some of my favorites of all time, but I especially love the cover of Ignite Me, the final book in the series. The cover shows blooming flowers and greenery, very different from the other two covers, and so I wanted to put it against a backdrop of the finally blooming trees in our neighborhood.
This is also a little callback to a photo I did in January.

April 29th - April Showers

How appropriate that it was a rainy day when it was time to take this photo?
I knew I wanted to incorporate the rain boots, but I wasn't sure what book I would choose to accompany them. The gloomy cover of The Impossible Knife of Memory (no, I haven't read it yet) seemed like the perfect choice, considering the color of the sky wasn't too far off from that of the cover. I love the pops of color in the photo with an otherwise dreary vibe. 

And there you have it, my April Bookish Scene recap! As always, you can follow my weekly challenges (and much more!) @MLVReads on Instagram! Can't wait to share May with you!
